Amy Wais graduated first in class as a Doctor of Traditional Chinese Medicine in 2007 from the Academy of Classical Oriental Sciences in Nelson, BC Canada. This 5 year program consisted of 4005 hours of education including over 1400 hours of clinical practice and a clinical practicum placement. She is certified as a Diplomate of Acupuncture by the National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (NCCAOM) including certification in Clean Needle Technique. Amy was formerly registered as a Practitioner of Traditional Chinese Medicine in British Columbia, Canada and is currently a licensed Acupuncturist in the state of Colorado. Amy specializes in orthopedic acupuncture, and her training includes adjunctive therapies such as acupoint injection therapy, electro-acupuncture, cupping, moxibustion, auriculotherapy, and dietary recommendations.Â
She has been living in Crested Butte, CO since 2008 where she revels in mountain life, snowboarding, dirt biking and mountain biking with her daughter, Lola.

Jessica graduated in 1999 from the East West College of the Healing Arts in Portland, Oregon. She has over 600 hours of eduction including anatomy and physiology, massage for common injuries, deep tissue, Shiatsu and barefoot Ashiatsu massage.
A long time Crested Butte local, Jessica has maintained a massage practice here for 25 years as well as teaching various forms of yoga. She is an avid snowboarder and skateboarder, passions she shares with her husband and daughter.

Acupuncture is a key component of Traditional Chinese Medicine. It involves the insertion of very thin needles through your skin at strategic points on your body to achieve therapeutic effects. Acupuncture is commonly used to treat pain, injury recovery, insomnia, respiratory problems, gynecological problems, and much more.

With basic acupuncture, the needle insertion stimulates the nerve. When the needles are hooked up to the e-stim machine you will feel a gentle buzzing sensation as it continues to stimulate the nerve hundreds of times throughout the treatment. This helps speed up the healing process.

Cupping uses a partial vacuum that causes the tissue to stretch into the cup. Cupping is utilized to treat conditions including acute or chronic pain, colds, respiratory problems such as asthma, bronchitis, and emphysema; internal organ problems; musculoskeletal problems; and in any case of recurring or persistent fixed pain.

Moxibustion is the heating of a point on the skin utilizing various methods of burning the herb mugwort. The use of moxibustion is effective in a wide variety of conditions from musculoskeletal complaints, gastrointestinal symptoms, gynecologic disorders, breech presentations, stroke rehabilitation, and many other conditions.

This integrative therapy technique uses needles of the smallest size for the gentlest injections possible. Substances such as vitamins, minerals and homeopathic remedies are injected into acupoints and trigger points of muscles to achieve local and systemic effects such as pain relief, reducing inflammation, strengthening immunity, weight loss, treating insomnia, anxiety and so much more.

Using a combination of massage techniques Jessica may use her bare feet, hands and arms to deliver deep compression to muscles and pressure points as well as assisted stretching. This type of massage is rooted in traditional Chinese Medicine and can be considered a modified form of acupressure.
Out calls to your home or hotel are available upon request for an additional fee.

Using dynamic air compression to advance your wellness, recover faster, improve your training, and maximize your performance. Normatec’s patented precision pulse technology helps to increase circulation, revive muscles, and reduce swelling and has long been the choice of elite athletes and consumers throughout the globe.



You can never have treatments too close together, but you can have them too far apart. Acupuncture works cumulatively, and we want to keep building on your progress. So that your symptoms don't start to creep back, we don't want to go too long between the first few treatments. In order to accomplish this, I usually recommend treatments twice a week for the first 1-2 weeks. After that, as long as your symptoms are improving and staying at that level of improvement between appointments, we can cut back to one treatment per week. Once your symptoms are basically gone, we go into "tune-up" mode where we check in about once a month.
You may notice a difference in your symptoms from the first treatment, but in order to really feel things start to shift permanently, give it about 3-4 treatments. For more chronic, challenging cases, it may take 6-10 treatments. Every case is different!

New Patient Consult and Acupuncture Treatment: $100
Acupuncture Treatment: $90
Add-ons for Acupuncture: $20 each
Electro Acupuncture
Ear Seeds: $10
Cupping Only Treatment: $50
*Packages Available*
Acupoint Injection Therapy
Starting at $25+
*Multiple and complex injections will be determined on a case by case basis
30 minutes: $70
60 minutes: $100
75 minutes: $125
90 minutes: $150
Normatec Compression Therapy
15 minutes: $15
30 minutes: $30
503Â Red Lady Ave #102A
(behind the Majestic Theater on 5th St.)
Crested Butte, CO 81224